Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Nudity
MOR Live has a zero-tolerance approach to any acts of abuse, exploitation and/or sexualization involving children. Any users not upholding MOR Live's policies for protecting minors (anyone under the age of 18) as outlined below face removal from MOR and potential actions by law enforcement.
- You must be 18 years of age or older to use MOR Live.
- Sexual exploitation, including solicitation, and abuse of minors (anyone under the age of 18) is prohibited. Incidents involving minors will be reported to NCMEC and/or other authorities in accordance with applicable law. In evaluating incidents, MOR Live may also consider evidence of such activity occurring off-platform.
- Users who have been convicted of crimes against children are prohibited from using MOR Live. Crimes include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, physical abuse or neglect, and traffiking.
- MOR Live uses automated and manual systems to detect underage activity as well as Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse ("CSEA"). Any attempt to circumvent these systems is prohibited.
- Sexual fetishization of minors is prohibited. This includes discussions, sexualized playacting, or wearing sexualized clothing associated with minors, such as a schoolgirl uniform.
- Child nudity is prohibited. This includes accidents, such as a defiant toddler dashing away from a bath -- such images or videos can be misappropriated by others regardless of your intent. The safest approach is to avoid risky situations.
- Child nudity or sexual fetishization may not be depicted in drawings, animations, or other art forms.
- Engaging in, threatening, encouraging, or enabling acts of physical violence against children is prohibited.
- The rest of our Community Guidelines may be found here.
If you become aware of potential violations of any of these policies, please use the in-app reporting system or email us at
Additional Resources
If you become aware of child exploitation or abuse of minors elsewhere on the internet or offline, we recommend you contact the local Governmental/Non-government Organization based on your location: